Saturday, January 22, 2011

Action/Motion Week: My 1st Contribution


Sharon said...

Nice job Patty! That first one would be cool if you could crop/clone out the trampoline. It would probably take a lot of time though:) I have been a total slacker this week. That last one reminded me of one I could post though...

Kristen said...

All three are great and I love the trampoline one. So much energy coming from it. I love the trampoline being in the picture but I'm not as artistic. Either way it's great!

Amber Carter said...

Patty, these are great. Lots more motion than I got!

Amy N. said...

These are so fun!
I agree that a different angle on the tramp one to get it out of the shot would have made it even better, and if he had bent his knees a little to get his feet above the fence line.
I love the angle of the second one, the colors, the little bit of sun flare makes a great shot! I would be tempted to straighten the horizon, but that might be more personal preference.
I love shots like the third one and personally have yet to master this one with a shot I LOVE of my own, but I think you did a wonderful job. I think a different angle would have improved it as the little boy (and actually the dad a little too) get lost in the trees. Maybe if the shot was in color that wouldn't be the case. This would have been fun to see you lying on the ground shooting up at the baby.
Nice job!