Monday, January 3, 2011

Sharon's Blue...

This idea came to me last night while I when I was trying to go to sleep but also wondering what I was going to do for my "blue" project today. I wanted to find a way to make it more interesting but my mind kept coming up blank. That is until I was sitting in my big comfy chair reading a book, thinking about all the other things I "should" be doing, I looked over and saw the lines on the table. I'm not sure I accomplished the look I was going for but that is what practicing and learning is all about. Right?

What I like/dislike:
-I like that the shadow of the glass leads the eye to the glass.
-I like the lines on the table but not the blinds in the background. Maybe if I had shot more of an upward angle I could have eliminated some of the bg.
-I don't like the water spots/smudge marks on the top of the glass. I saw them but was hoping you wouldn't be able to see them in the photo. Next time I will know better :)

Settings were: f4.5 ss 1/8000 iso 250
Shot with my 50mm

So not the most exciting pic in the world and probably more red than blue but my focus was the blue gum ball.

What I think I could have done better:
- closed down my app. just a little so the focus was more on the blue gum ball
- I was going for the split lighting but maybe should have diffused the light on the left a little so that it looked more blue or reflected the light onto the other side of the gumball so it wasn't so dark.
-I wish I had left a little more room on the bottom of the frame so the gum ball wasn't so close to the bottom.
What do you think?
Settings were f4.0 ss 1/160 iso 1250 -
Shot with my 100mm macro on my kitchen table window light camera left.


Amy N. said...

I would have given you the exact same cc! Other than that good blue :) I also would like to know what settings you used and what your lighting to share?

PS) still no sign of the invite and I have checked everywhere. Who does the invite come from? Is it blogger?

Sharon said...

Does it mean I'm getting better if I can look at my pictures and see everything I did wrong :) Just too bad I couldn't see it BEFORE I took the shot :) I will add settings...

Amy N. said...

you know on second glance I think it would have been fun to see the whole gumball reflection and then a little extra space (kinda along the same lines as your last cc) thanks for the settings :)

Sharon said...

I did take one with the whole reflection showing but I didn't like the comp/bg as much...

Anganette. EncourageOneAnother said...

Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. This may just be WAY beyound little ol me. What great pictures! I like the blinds in the background I think it adds consistency.

Sharon said...

Anganette it is sooo not beyond you! I think I have already reached the limit of my creativity and I am only on day 2! Please play, I would love to see your perspective and Kelsey's too! :)

Amy N. said...

Oh I like the blinds one too! I agree about the bg but only the object on the right edge. I would have loved to see this at more angles like the shadow coming in from the side, or corner. good job sharon!

Sharon said...

I actually took it from several different angles but this was my favorite. Maybe will post more of them if I run out of ideas:)